“My name is Kamal Kumari Rai. I’m an obedient student hailing from an impoverished family residing in a rural area. Despite the successful completion of my SLC, from Janajagriti HS School, owing to the poor financial condition of my family, I faced problems in continuing my higher education. I applied for the Himalayan Trust scholarship. With the help of the Himalayan Trust who provide me with financial support, I was able to complete my +2 from Salleri NDC and for this; I would like to thank HT with all my heart.
I consider myself to be very lucky as most people in similar circumstances as me would not get a chance to continue their education past SLC due to low family income. My family was worried about how they would be able to accord necessities such as stationery and affording tuition fees. Thankfully, my scholarship meant that I received an amount that would allow me to buy those stationeries and pay fees. It allowed me to purchase books outside of my syllabus so I could further extend my knowledge, which was encouraged by the HT scholarship.
I have now completed my +2 studies, and can now share and spread my education and experiences with others in my village that perhaps are not as lucky as I have been in receiving a scholarship and being allowed to pursue my higher education. I often encourage these students to continue trying and striving for higher aims. Since a young age, I have always wanted to be a teacher and this ambition has remained with me till now. If HT continues to support me financially by continuing with the scholarship, I can down myself in an ocean of knowledge and spread this knowledge amongst others like me.
I will always be grateful to Himalayan Trust as they were responsible for allowing me to live my dreams with their support. I sincerely hope this continues in the future and allows more dreams to be fulfilled.”