Two married Female Community Health Volunteers from Yamphudin village have been sponsored for training, one as an Auxiliary Nurse Midwife and the other as a Community Medical Assistant.
They are bonded to return to the Yamphudin Health Post and Birthing Centre for three years. They finish their training this month, although the results will take some time to come through. In the meantime, we are considering sending them to Taplejung District Hospital for some experience and networking, before they return to help set up and run the new health post, and to do community health work.
Below you can see Tika and Mina opening a Midwifery Aid Box. The box was donated to MIDSON and was left over from their Earthquake recovery work. Our Health Team arranged with Professor Kiran Bajracharya, our invaluable advisor to the Health Programme, that the box could be used for our work in Yamphudin instead. It contained a lot of dressings, instrument packs and other useful medical supplies and will come in useful prior to the Health Post being up and running.