

Sasja McCann

Annual Report 2023

One year ago today, we celebrated 70 years since the remarkable achievement made by Sir Ed Hillary and Tenzing Norgay, in being the first to reach the summit of Mount Everest. With thanks to our supporters, we have been able to ensure that we continue the legacy left by Sir Ed to support the mountain...
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Community Health Awareness Programme in Lelep

The health team have now completed their Community Health Awareness Programme in Lelep, which has been going on for the past two years. The sessions are run by Female Community Health Volunteers (“FCHV”) and a total of 1,678 participants, mainly women (but some men!) attended the sessions. Most of the sessions are aimed at improving...
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The benefits of libraries in schools

As a trustee with the role of improving teaching, learning and resources in 35 schools, it is always rewarding when you can witness an immediate impact. A little while ago the provision of lunch boxes ensured children did not go hungry, stayed in school and focused on their learning for the whole of each day....
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Changes to our charitable structure

Over the coming months you will perhaps notice some changes to our website. After several years of work, and following a decision made in 2022 to initiate the change, the Board of Trustees voted in December to approve the change of legal structure of the charity to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation or “CIO”. The Himalayan...
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Looking for a Joint Health Programme Trustee

Dr Debbie Eklund, a retired Public Health consultant, who has served as a Trustee since 2013 and initiated the health project has now retired from her role as Joint Health Programme Lead at the Trust. We have much to thank Debbie for – Dr Eklund formed a partnership with Action for Nepal( AfN,) an NGO...
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We are looking for new Trustees

The Himalayan Trust UK has been working since 1989 to help the mountain people of Nepal. We strive to improve health and education in the mountainous regions of Northeastern Nepal, particularly in the Taplejung region. We still hold to the guiding principles laid down by Sir Edmund Hillary when he founded the first Himalayan Trust...
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Fully functioning Health Post and more

As part of our focus to improve health in Taplejung we have previously told you about the Yamphudin Health Post with Birthing Centre Project. We are very pleased to report that the Health Post is operating very successfully and is making a difference to the local communities in and around Yamphudin. Mothers-to-be attend antenatal visits...
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Lunchboxes – A Solution to a Problem

We may not have the fondest memories of our school lunches when we were children.  I suspect, however, that they were more important to the rhythm of our day than we remember.  When a group of Trustees travelled to the Taplejung District of Nepal in 2018, a number of the schools we visited asked if...
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Transforming Health in Yamphudin

The story of Yamphudin is one of remarkable change. Our health team were met with very poor, remote mountain villagers desperate for our help during our first visit in 2015. That first visit resulted in a five year successful partnership between the community, Action For Nepal and ourselves. Together we transformed the village’s health knowledge,...
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Making a difference to Lelep’s Hostel

Saraswati Chyaribuk Secondary School in Lelep ward has always fallen short of being a beacon of excellence, partly because new classrooms have taken too long to construct and because the facilities at the girls’ hostel were in dire need of repair and improvement.
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If you would like to donate online.
This can be done securely by clicking on the link below.

Donate to us through Just Giving

By Cheque:

Please make out to “Himalayan Trust UK”
and post together with your GiftAid Declaration to:

Kate Wolstenholme,
Hon. Treasurer,
62 Riversdale Road,
London N5 2JZ

If you are a UK taxpayer then by donating under the GiftAid scheme the Himalayan Trust UK will benefit further.

Download the GiftAid Declaration to enable us to claim an additional 25% of your donation free of charge.

Forms can be emailed to our Treasurer at treasurer@himalayantrust.co.uk

How Your Support Can Help

The communities of Taplejung will appreciate any support you feel able to give.

Please consider to set-up a regular payment scheme. Click the amounts below to find out how your donations make a difference.

£20 will support
£50 will support
£100 will support
£1,000+ will support
  • Warm blanket for mother and baby
  • Foot suction pump to clear babies’ breathing
  • 25 Reading books
  • Stationery for one child for a year
  • Stretcher
  • Nebuliser to help breathing
  • Classroom furniture set for 3
  • Week of teacher training
  • Emergency transport for 2 patients
  • An additional teacher for 2 weeks
  • Equipment for a birthing centre including delivery bed, post natal care bed and oxygen supply
  • 2 school laptops